Es muy difícil encontrar un libro que explique sobre la industria del petróleo y el gas a nuestros hijos. Hay muchas veces que nos preguntan sobre el campo petrolífero y no se tiene un recurso bueno para explicarles. Hoy nos gustaría compartir uno de los mejores y sencillos libros de campos petroleros para niños en inglés. Este libro es I Need To Know - "Necesito saber - una introducción a la industria petrolera y la OPEP".
Nos dice cómo se descubrió el petróleo crudo - o, utilizando su término más técnico, el petróleo -, cómo se explora y se extrae del suelo y se convierte en otros productos.
Los contenidos de este
libro están bien escritos en un lenguaje inglés sencillo para explicar acerca
del campo petrolero a las generaciones jóvenes de todo el mundo. No
sólo es bueno para los niños, también es excelente para educar a la
gente que no sabe mucho sobre la industria del petróleo y el gas. Los contenidos de este libro se enumeran a continuación;
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Oil Basics
What is crude oil?
What is petroleum?
How is oil formed?
Oil properties
Light / Heavy
Sour / Sweet
Reference crude oil
A brief history of the industry
Why is oil important?
How much oil does the world need?
What is crude oil?
What is petroleum?
How is oil formed?
Oil properties
Light / Heavy
Sour / Sweet
Reference crude oil
A brief history of the industry
Why is oil important?
How much oil does the world need?
Chapter 1- Oil Basics
Chapter 2
Finding Oil (Upstream)
A big adventure begins!
So how do we find oil
Huge investments are required
Chapter 3
Refining Oil (Downstream)
The adventure continues!
Roads and railway
Ocean tankers
Refining Oil (Downstream)
The adventure continues!
Roads and railway
Ocean tankers
Chapter 3 – Refining Oil (Downstream)
Chapter 4
About OPEC
Birth of OPEC
The OPEC logo
Who are the members of OPEC?
Founder Members
Full Members
Associate Members
Table OPEC Member Countries
Who can be a Member?
OPEC’s mission
Stabilizing oil markets
Keeping the market supplied
Organizational structure
The Conference
Board of Governors
Economic Commission Board
The Secretariat
The OPEC Summit
Building bridges
How does OPEC help other countries?
What is OFID?
Glossary of Terms
Bibliography & Resources
About OPEC
Birth of OPEC
The OPEC logo
Who are the members of OPEC?
Founder Members
Full Members
Associate Members
Table OPEC Member Countries
Who can be a Member?
OPEC’s mission
Stabilizing oil markets
Keeping the market supplied
Organizational structure
The Conference
Board of Governors
Economic Commission Board
The Secretariat
The OPEC Summit
Building bridges
How does OPEC help other countries?
What is OFID?
Glossary of Terms
Bibliography & Resources
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